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Walter Quattrociocchi: "From Confirmation Bias to Echo Chambers: A data-driven approach" -Keynote speech 2 on #PCNet20 #NetSci2020

September 18th Online Event
Traditionally, news media served as an interface between citizens and politics, eventually influencing the political behaviour together with the context and social networks embededness. In the information age, both politics and communication are transformed. The popularity of online social platforms has increased the number of actors affected to spread political, commercial and other messages to a massive number of potential recipients. In this workshop we want to explore and characterize such phenomena through the lens of network theory and its applications. ​
The aim of the PCNet satellite is to provide a forum where qualitative and quantitative methods in political communication studies can interact and mutually cross-fertilize. Network science serves as a common ground, both theoretical and methodological, for a transdisciplinary dialogue between these complementary traditions.
  • Networked Collective Political Identities
  • Context collapse
  • Online Culture Wars
  • Diffusion of News and Misinformation
  • Selective Exposure
  • Echo Chambers and Polarization
  • Emergence of leaderships
  • Digital Parties Platform Communication
  • Data based propaganda
  • Populism (operative definition / quantification)
  • The Rise of the far right
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