II research issues related to social movements and communication. I have written about Zapatismo in Chiapas. I am interested in the formation of transnational networks of collective action, connected crowds and new repertoires of protest, as well as the current global feminist wave.
I am currently a Marie-Sklodowska Curie Fellow at the European Union with the project "Global feminist online actions: opportunities and problems of the MeToo campaign" (FemOnMeToo). No. 893348. Attached to the Grup de Recerca en Ciència Política of the Universitat de Girona. H2020-MSCA-IF- 2019 (2021-223)
Since 2008, I have been a research professor at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico City.
PhD in Social Sciences with a specialization in Communication and Politics from UAM Mexico.
Author of the books: Activismo en red y multitudes conectadas (Barcelona: Icaria- Mexico: UAMX, 2017), Zapatistas sin fronteras. Las redes de solidaridad con Chiapas y el altermundismo (Mexico: ERA, 2009), Mujeres de Maíz (Mexico: ERA, 1997. Last reprint: 2018), Zapata Vive (Barcelona: Virus, 1994). Compilations: Movimientos sociales desde la comunicación (Conaculta-ENAH, 2016), La autonomía posible (Mexico: UACM, 2009).
Featured articles: (2019) "Technopolitics for emancipation and for war: collective action and counterinsurgency," in Revista Científica de Información y Comunicación #16.
(2018) "The feminist becoming of collective action: digital networks and the prefiguration politics of connected crowds," in Teknokultura 15 (2).
(2019) "Performative constellations and urban crowds: networked activism, feminist sensibility, and counterinsurgency," in Desacatos. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, No. 61. pp. 40-55.
"From activist networks to connected crowds. Social mobilization, global protest and communication technologies," in Revista Internacional de Pensamiento Político, No. 10, 2015.
"Networks, insurgencies, and prefigurative politics: A cycle of global indignation," in Convergence, Vol. 20, No. 4, 2014.
"The Mexican #YoSoy132. The (unexpected) emergence of an activist network", in Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals Nº105, Barcelona, 2014.
"Media activism and criminalization of protest: media and social movements in Mexico", in Convergencia. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, Vol. 20, No. 61, 2013.
Book chapters:
"From Local to Global: The Multiscalar Dimension of the Zapatista Rebellion and the Transnational Networks of Social Mobilizations" in Ofer, I. and T. Groves(eds.), Performing Citizenship: Social Movements across the Globe. Routledge, 2016.
"From armed struggle to interaction with civil society: Chiapas'Zapatista National Liberation Army", in Dudouet, V. (ed.), Civil Resistance and Conflict Transformation, Routledge, 2015.
"Multidoes conectadas e movimentos sociais: Dos zapatistas e do hackktivismo a tomada das ruas e das redes", in Bruno, F.; Cardoso, B.; Kanashiro, et alt. (orgs.) Tecnopolíticas da vigilancia. Perspectivas da margem, Biotempo, 2018.
Martí i Puig, S; Rovira Sancho, G. "Movimientos sociales y acción colectiva" in Salvador Martí, JM Solís and F Sánchez (eds.) Curso de ciencia política, Senado de la República, 2017.