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Submitted by Admin2 on Tue, 06/09/2020 - 09:30


  • 10 October - Distributed architectures for data sovereingty: DDDC pilot kick off (link)
  • 27 November - Automated Control Wars - The Influencers (link)
  • 14 November - DDDC-Sharing Cities Summit (link)


  • 27 February - Data Control Wars - Mobile Social Congress (link)
  • 01 March - Conversation: data commons and breaches in surveillance capitalism (link)
  • 05 March - Data Control Wars - Mobile Week Barcelona (link)
  • 18 March to 19 March - DDDC Sprint: DDDC Manifesto co-writing meeting (link)
  • 01 April - DDDC Finale. Beyond surveillance capitalism: towards digital democracy and data commons (link)
  • 19 November  - DDDC - Sharing Cities Summit (II): debate, workshop and signing of the manifesto (link)
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