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LAB Metadecidim -Session 9- Radical democracy stories: narratives for citizen participation and democracy in network

Lugar :
Laboratorio de Innovación Democrática (Fàbrica de Creació Fabra i Coats Carrer de Sant Adrià, 20, 08030 Barcelona)
Fecha :
Since we existed as a species, telling stories has allowed us to live together in society and survive in the world. The stories allow us to "imagine future scenarios, anticipate critical situations, build hypotheses and prepare in advance" [1]. We have told stories (and we continue to do so) in different ways: orally or in writing, pictorial or symbolic.
In recent decades, narrative forms have proliferated mediated by mass communication technologies, such as the press, radio or television and, more recently, the Internet, social networks and mobile applications. We have, then, an extensive range of possibilities to build stories.
If there are different ways of constructing stories, numerous are also the stories that dispute hegemony today: from the mythologies of the free market and the consumer society to those of national sovereignty or the techno-scientific transformation of reality. One of the key political stories in the last three centuries and, particularly, in the last decades, has been that of democracy: the ideal of a society of equals supported by a government of all and of anybody.
15M was a foundational moment from the perspective of the democratic story. It was, at least, in two senses. In the first place, he opened a period narrative that denounced a deep crisis of political representation and appealed to the ideal of a real democracy. Second, it relied on corporate social networks (such as Facebook and Twitter) and alternatives (such as n-1) to collectively create, organize and extend this narrative. 15M opened a democratic narrative horizon and did so by relying on digital networks.
Story networks (or network stories) such as those generated by 15M may condition the media agenda or public opinion. However, they find numerous limits. One of them is the one represented by the structures of representative democracy, which often operate as a brake on popular deliberation and will; another is that of the social networks themselves, which rely on technological infrastructures built under a corporate logic.
In contrast to the traditional structures of representation, on the one hand, and corporate social networks, on the other, political networks such as Decidim or Consul (the digital platforms of political participation promoted by the City Councils of Barcelona and Madrid, respectively) pose an alternative paradigm when it comes to articulating communication and social action: they are networks aimed at promoting a distributed and increased democracy. Inspired and linked to the historical evolution opened by 15M, they embody and support their narratives of radical and networked democracy.
In connection with them, the goal of this ninth seminar of the metadecidim lab is to open a space to think, construct, share and collectively analyze possible narratives about radical democracy and network participation.
[1] Scolari, C. A. (2013). Transmedia narratives: when all media counts. Grupo Planeta (GBS). In this sense, we have defined a challenge that we want to address with the participants to the session:
  • Open a debate on how to think, build, share and analyze narratives of radical democracy among all. To raise this challenge, we address the following issues.
  • How do we think about the narrative worlds of participation and radical democracy? What theoretical frameworks allow us to understand them?
  • What narratives exist and which ones do we want to build about radical democracy?
  • How do we organize narrative production devices? What continuity do we give to this session if we want to mess it up, how do we organize ourselves? How to construct those empowering narratives collaboratively in a context where various public-common technopolitical projects are being deployed throughout the state? What role can digital participation platforms such as Decidim or Consul play in all this?
  • How do we analyze these narratives online? What techniques, analysis tools, knowledge and practices can help us?
To answer these and other questions, we summon you to the ninth call of the metadecidim lab.

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10-10:10 Presentación del reto (Equipo Metadecidim LAB)
10:10-11.30 Presentaciones de los ponentes
Pedro Inoue (Adbusters)
Bernardo Gutiérrez (Participa LAB)
Luce Prignano y Emanuele Cozzo (CLABB)
11:30 - 11:45 Pausa
11:45 - 14:00 Grupos de trabajo
  • Táctico. Corto plazo. Pensar una campaña para defender la participación ciudadana en Barcelona.
  • Estratégico. Medio y largo plazo. Democracia radical y tecnologías democráticas.
  • Creación. ¿Con qué campaña salimos? Establecer un calendario de previsiones narrativas para el 2018. ¿Qué rol juegan las plataformas digitales de participación para la construcción de campañas a medio y largo plazo a nivel de institución y de plataformas políticas en el ámbito de la democracia radical?
  • Organización. Aprender del caso Coctelera para construir modelos de dispositivos sostenibles que trabajen de forma autónoma la comunicación de narrativas de participación y democracia radical.
  • Análisis. Discutir metodologías y herramientas de análisis y democratizar su uso.
14:00-14:15 Puesta en común

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