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This group is formed by researchers and research centers such as the Communication and Civil Society Program of IN3, Barcelona Media or other working groups such as Outliers.

The group was born in June 2012 in Barcelona. It has carried out different activities, among which: the analysis and data visualization course carried out in the IN3 and coordinated by Oscar Marín (Outliers) and Pablo Aragón (Barcelona Media); the research entitled 'Tecnopolítica y 15M: the power of connected mulitudes. The 15M network system. A new paradigm of distributed politics', realized in collaboration with Manuel Castells and Universidad Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) and coordinated by Javier Toret (of forthcoming publicity); and the organization of several intensive meetings of data and research on 15M and network movements.
Since its inception, the group works in collaboration with actors and collectives located within the 15m ecosystem, as well as with the communication and civil society program of the UOC.
Twitter: @datanalysis15M
  • Javier Toret Medina Bachelor in Psychology from the University of Malaga. It works between philosophy, politics, psychology and technology. Investigates the mutations of subjectivity and the forms of communication, action and collective organization in the network age. Coordinates a collective research project under the name: 'Technopolitics: the power of connected crowds. The network system # 15m. A new paradigm: distributed politics'
  • Arnau Monterde Between Technopolitics, free software, networks, its use for collective action and molecular revolutions. He participates in and in as well as in other common spaces. Researcher of the IN3-UOC.
  • David Laniado Studies network interaction patterns: collaboration dynamics in Wikipedia, online discussions, conversations on Twitter. PhD in information engineering from the Politecnico de Milano, currently working as a researcher in the Social Media group of the Barcelona Media Foundation.
  • Pablo Aragón Computer Engineering from the University of Zaragoza. He do research and applies models and algorithms of Social Networks Analysis, mainly in political contexts. He currently works as a researcher in the Social Media group of the Barcelona Media Foundation.
  • Óscar Marín Miró Telecommunications Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. Emotional and sentiment mining, Big Data, Social Network Analysis, Natural Language Processing, Data Visualization and Digital Cities. Currently Freelance Data Engineer at the Collective of Design, Data and Architecture.
  • Alberto Lumbreras Telecommunications Engineer and Master in Artificial Intelligence from the UPC. Currently pursuing a doctorate in Technicolor R&D and the University of Lyon 2 on the detection of patterns, roles and dynamics of communities in social networks.
  • Juan Linares Lanzman. Audiovisual Communicator Master's Degree in Advanced Studies in Social Communication at UPF (accessing the Doctorate 2013). Exploring the transmedia narratives of social network movements that emerged with # 15m.
  • Ariadna Fernández Planells holds a degree in Journalism. She works as a teaching staff researcher at the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF). She is a professor of journalism studies and the study of communication linked to youth and social movements is among her main lines of research. Currently, she is doing his doctoral thesis on communication and 15-M.
  • Antonio Calleja-López. He holds a doctorate in sociology (University of Exeter) and philosophy (University of Seville), a master's degree in political science (Arizona State University). Participates in projects ranging from the sociological studies of the laboratory and techno-scientific innovation ( to the intersection between art and politics, going through the analysis of social movements.
  • Xabier Barandiarán Participating researcher at the European FP7 Project eSMCs (Extending Sensorimotor Contingencies to Cognition) at the IAS-Research Center for Life, Mind, and Society. He is a member of different networks and research institutions, such as euCongition II network, the Program Committee of the European Conference on Artificial Life, ISAL and Retecog (the Spanish network of cognitive science research). He completed his degree in philosophy at the University of Deusto and his doctorate at the University of the Basque Country
  • Eunate S. Casado. Journalist from the University of the Basque Country interested in the information being treated from a human approach. Master in Sociocultural Analysis of Knowledge and Communication by Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She is currently a PhD student at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and does research on the use of new technologies in the field of social movements as part of their communication strategy.
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