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DDDC Finale. Beyond surveillance capitalism: towards digital democracy and data commons

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Escola Massana Plaça de la Gardunya, 9, 08001 Barcelona
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The DDDC pilot comes to an end. On April 1, we will close a 6-month process with the official presentation of the DECODE-Decidim technology and the DDDC Manifesto, for data sovereignty and commons.

The event will include the presentation of the manifesto, followed by an open debate with experts in the field of technology policies and the digital economy,  including the Barcelona CTO Francesca Bria, hacker y public speaker Jaromil Rojo, research group Dimmons leader Mayo Fuster and Decidim coordinator Arnau Monterde, among others. It will also be the public premiere of the DECODE-Decidim technology for the signing of citizen petitions in a secure, transparent and data-enriched manner, as well as the DECODE personal data manager. Both innovations will be used for the on-site signature of the manifesto.

The event is organized by the  Internet Interdisciplinary Institute of the Open University of Catalonia (Tecnopolitica and Dimmons) and Barcelona Digital City (Barcelona City Council), it is part of the DDDC (Digital Democracy and Common Data) pilot of the European project DECODE.

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17:30 - 18h - Registro, café y confesionario digital

18 - 18:10h - Presentación del proyecto DECODE - a cargo de Francesca Bria (Comisionada de Tecnología e Innovación Digital del Ajuntament de Barcelona).

18:10 - 18:30h - Presentación del piloto DDDC y lectura del Manifiesto - a cargo de Antonio Calleja (co-coordinador del piloto e investigador del grupo Tecnopolítica del Internet Interdisciplinary Institute de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) y Griselda Casadellá (Eticas Foundation).

18:30 - 19h - Presentación de la tecnología DECODE - Decidim - a cargo de Pol Colomer (co-fundador de Dribia), Denis Jaromil Rojo (programador de software libre, artista y activista) y Pablo Aragón (investigador de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra y Eurecat).

19 - 20h - Mesa redonda con:

Francesca Bria  (Comisionada de Tecnología e Innovación Digital del Ajuntament de Barcelona).

Mayo Fuster (directora de investigación en Dimmons, Internet Interdisciplinary Institute de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya).

Denis Jaromil Rojo (programador de software libre, artista y activista).

Arnau Monterde (Coordinador del proyecto Decidim y de Innovación Democrática del Ajuntament de Barcelona).

Fila 0:

Liliana Arroyo, Joana Moll, Alba Hiero, Laura Benítez, Màrius Boada

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