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#JAM 18 - III Anual Metadecidim Seminars: From Social to Political Networks

Submitted by Camila on Thu, 12/27/2018 - 11:57

¿What are the JAM?

The JAM are the annual conference of Metadecidim, the Decidim community: a free open-source platform of participation for cities and organizations. The JAM were born by the end of 2016 from a participatory process at Decidim Barcelona a Decidim instance in the Barcelona City Council. During 2017 the participation process was transformed into its own community (Metadecidim) in order to set a space for thought, cooperation and public-common work on Decidim.
The JAM are an opportunity to gather with the community, the citizens and in general any person who is in the productive ecosystem of Decidim (institutions, companies and social organizations) to rethink in an open, transparent and collaborative way the future of Decidim so that every day is more useful for the participatory democracy of cities and organizations around the world.

Decidim. From Social to Political Networks

We live in the world of social networks: likes, retweets and hashtags connect us socially... but the reality behind them is different. Social networks are also new private forms of economic profit and power supported by the study and control of collective attention and behavior. In this edition of #JAM18 we will present the alternative to social networks: political networks. Political networks such as Decidim do not conceive their users as consumers but as participants, as political actors who have a safe space to deliberate, take part or decide on the common affairs of their city or organization. In these spaces the participants can build collective intelligences, identities and wills that go beyond the individualistic logic of mere expression, grouping or circulation of personal tastes and preferences. With political networks like Decidim, the decision making affects all of its participants and overcome the interaction logic offered by these corporate social networks with the rest of the collective decision. This political networks are also consciously, because they recognize technology as politics and, to that extent, they are associated with networks and technopolitical communities, such as Metadecidim, which politicize and democratize its own infrastructure.

Internationalization of Decidim

The #JAM18 are celebrated at a crucial moment for the project: as it has been configured as a political network, interest and adoption have grown in various cities and organizations around the world. During #JAM18 you will witness the details behind the latest version of Decidim, which incorporates new political network enhancements and functionalities. We will also present the current state of development of the platform in its technological, community and political layers, the most recent success stories of organizations and administrations that use the platform and the main challenges for the future, such as the governance of the project.

Metadecidim Governance

The #JAM18 are also the showcase of the latest advances in the community governance model. It is an ongoing participatory process that we can consider strategic, as it will define how we will govern ourselves over the next few years. As always do, we are going to meet, debate and rethink collectively and in an open, transparent and collaborative way the present and future of Decidim. Because every day we want it to be more useful for the participative democracy of cities and organizations all over the world.
Looking forward to see you!
Motor Group
Ajuntament de Barcelona, Tecnopolítica - IN3/UOC, Localret, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Eurecat, aLabs
Metadecidim, Decidim, Fundació Ferrer i Guardia, Ciutat Oberta, Colectic, Open Source Politics, Som Energia