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Decidim is a project to build a framework and a digital infrastructure for participatory democracy. Since the end of 2015 we have been practically deepening the relationship between network communication technologies and political participation. Our work on 15M and the use of digital networks for collective action, as well as the development of democratic technologies during the D-CENT project, has helped us to conceive and design prototypes and practices of technologically mediated participation. The platform, designed for the participation process for elaborating the Municipal Action Plan 2016-2019 (PAM), was based on Consul, the software behind the participation platform of the Madrid City Council, Decide Madrid. Later, Decidim has been rewritten from scratch to facilitate a more modular development, a process that has resulted in is the digital participation platform of the Barcelona City Council. It is a key space to build an open, transparent, radically democratic and collaborative city. It is based on open source and any citizen can see how it is built, reuse it or improve it.
Decidim is more than a digital platform: it’s a common's free and open project and infrastructure involving code, documentation, design, training courses, a legal framework, collaborative interfaces, user and facilitation communities, and a common vision. Decidim helps citizens, organizations and public institutions self-organize democratically at every scale.
Decidim municipalities
The Decidim platform is in the process of being extended to other municipalities. It is written in free and modular code, which facilitates its improvement and reuse, in addition to allowing multiple instances in a single installation. Currently there are many municipalities (and other organizations) that already use Decidim.
This project has been co-financed by:


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SOM Metadecidim (Sesión 17)
Fàbrica de Creació Fabra i Coats Carrer de Sant Adrià, 20, 08030 Barcelona Sala 1 (Tercera Planta)
Seminario Digidoc
Lloc: Sala 55.410, edificio Tànger, Campus de la Comunicación - Poblenou, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (entrada por Roc Boronat, 138, Barcelona)
DecidimFest 2019
Fàbrica de creació de Barcelona Fabra i Coats, c/ Sant Adrià, 20