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Lab Metadecidim -Session 11- decidim.procediment: Administrative-legal validity for digital participation

Lugar :
Laboratorio de Innovación Democrática (Fàbrica de Creació Fabra i Coats Carrer de Sant Adrià, 20, 08030 Barcelona) - tercera planta
Fecha :
The very diverse practices of citizen participation are not always included in the procedures of the Public Administrations. In this sense, Decidim not only aspires to become a versatile platform to respond to such diversity, but also seeks to guarantee the administrative-legal validity of the processes it hosts.
In the context of Decidim Barcelona, ​​several meetings have been held with different areas and persons in charge of the City Council and it has been possible to identify agents involved in this operation and the possible existing solutions.
In several meetings with the agents involved, the need to convene a meeting with all the affected areas was made visible in order to find a joint solution and validated by all parties. To face this challenge of technological and political innovation, a research seminar of the Lab Metadecidim is convened to collectively analyze the different integration scenarios with the technical and political implications of each one:
  1. Integrate Decidim with the electronic procedure of creation of an initiative with a link to the electronic Headquarters in front and an integration behind, where the data presented by the citizen / citizen turn to the Decidim.
  2. Integrate Decidim with the electronic procedure of creating an initiative with prior integration (ie the initiative is created in Decidim and the data of the initiatives are dumped in the registry) and an integration behind, where the data presented by the citizen / citizen they turn to the Decidim again.
  3. Integrate Decidim into the registry more generally and through the use of the digital certificate and / or digital signature, in such a way that the procedure does not leave Decidim, and once the initiative is created, the data is transferred to the registry.
The three scenarios are not mutually exclusive and may have different implementation schedules.
  • Get Decidim to have administrative-legal validity as a vehicle for participation in the opening of administrative files, in its procedure and in the collection of digital signatures supporting citizen initiatives.
  • Does Decidim comply with the law of public administration and administrative procedure, or what do they need to comply with it?
  • How is the formality of the administrative procedure achieved for the participative acts processed through digital platforms and in particular for the proposals or initiatives and the supports and signatures that can be collected?
  • Should these platforms be connected to other systems such as the municipal registry or the paperwork portal? If yes, what requirements must be met for effective integration?
  • What type of identification and digital signature is equivalent, and proportional in its requirements, to the collection of manual signatures through authenticating persons?

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Más información e inscripciones aquí

de 10 a 10:10 - Presentación del reto por parte del equipo del Metadecidim Lab
de 10:10 a 11.30h - Presentaciones de los ponentes
Agustí Cerillo, UOC
Anton Queralt, Connex
Mercè Mestre, IMI
y debate con la fila 0:
Tati Pindado, Ajuntament de Barcelona
*Programa sujeto a cambios
Enlaces de interés:
  • Ley 39/2015, de 1 de octubre, del Procedimiento Administrativo Común de las Administraciones Públicas.
  • Ley 11/2007, de 22 de junio, de acceso electrónico de los ciudadanos a los Servicios Públicos
  • Real Decreto 1671/2009, de 6 de noviembre, por el que se desarrolla parcialmente la Ley 11/2007, de 22 de junio, de acceso electrónico de los ciudadanos a los servicios públicos

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