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SOM Metadecidim (Sesión 9)

Lugar :
Fàbrica de Creació Fabra i Coats Carrer Sant Adrià 20, 08030 (Planta 3, Sala 6)
Fecha :
We already have a new SOM here to continue collaborating and working together. After the previous session, in which we were planning this year 2018, we now turn to action and choose what our mission will be! You can access the meeting of each Axis and add your comments. And if you come for the first time or do not know very well which Axis you would like to be in, we have the Welcome group where you can solve your doubts and get in touch with the platform.
  • Research Team - LAB
  • Storytelling Team - COM
  • Technologies Team - TECH
  • Participants Experience Team - PX
  • Governance Team - GOV
18:00h Welcome and presentation
18.15h Workspace by Axes
19.45h Return
20.00h Closing

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