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SOM Metadecidim (Session 11)

Lugar :
Fàbrica de Creació Fabra i Coats Carrer Sant Adrià 20, 08030
Fecha :
This SOM will take place within the framework of the Democratic Innovation Laboratory Opening Session. For this reason we have prepared a special 3-hour session in which we invite you all to participate in the creation of a Decidim DEMO, an explanatory environment for the platform based on the Game of Thrones series.
Brace yourselves, Democracy is coming!
In parallel we will have these 2 spaces:
  •     Experience exchange: aimed at exchanging information and resolving technical doubts about the installation of Decidamos and other topics.
  •     Metadecidim update: where you can deepen your knowledge of the platform.
17.00h Welcome
17.10h LID Presentation
17.30h Introduction to the working session and exhibition of posters Decidim-Game of Thrones
17.45h Simultaneous work groups:
Collaborative creation of DEMO
Exchange of experiences: Contributing to source code / Extension / Successful user cases
Metadecidim update
19.20h Conclussions
19.45h Special guest: Federació Catalana d'Escoltisme i Guiatge (FCEG)
20.00h Closing
(*) Program may vary
Then we will continue our meeting informally with performances and snacks.

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