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SOM Metadecidim (Session 12)

Lugar :
Fàbrica de Creació Fabra i Coats (planta 3, sala 2) Carrer Sant Adrià 20, 08030
Fecha :
New organizational proposal!
What has changed?
With the aim of increasing participation MetaDecidim, from now on the sessions will be alternated between morning and afternoon. In this new morning session we will present a new organizational proposal that we believe will incorporate substantial operational improvements for all:
  • Decidim Answer Do you have doubts to clarify or technical problems ?. Spaces with developers and administrators, to bring questions or technical needs and solve doubts, propose new functionalities, etc. This space may include virtual presence if requested in advance.
  • Stories Decidim. Would you like to hear first hand successful experiences with Decidim or share yours? Space to share experiences with the platform.
  • MetaDecidim a day. Welcome / orientation space for people who come to the Decidim for the first time.
  • Making Decidim. Space to build / collaborate / participate in a topic on which the Decidim team is working and ask for help: this time we will continue creating content for the DEMO.
  • +1 Decidim. Information and advisory space for new instances (entities that want to start using Decidim) This space can include virtual presence if it is previously requested.

More information and registration here


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